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The VEX EDR Robotics Competition

The Ultimate Tier

VEX EDR Competitive: Welcome

Our Courses & Programs

The VEX EDR Competitions is the final and most ultimate tier of the VEX Robotics Competitions. Students will learn not only how to create complex designs and create mechanisms to be efficient during matches, while having to abide by the strict restrictions placed by the tournament, but they will learn methods to designing and team work which are applied in the real world.

VEX EDR Competitive: Courses & Programs

 Age Group + Safety

The group of students who participate in this are generally 7th graders and older. This is due to the extreme complexities of the designs and the long building process. Furthermore, the parts are metal, thus resulting in safety hazards. However, we greatly minimize these safety concerns by constantly ensuring that the work spaces are clean and that the power tools are stored safely in a room and are only used when the user is wearing safety equipment. The instructors are always present to help the students with whatever challenge they may be facing.


Building Process

Due the parts being metal, the building process is much longer and tedious compared to the simple VEX IQ design process. Therefore, we ensure that the students completely think out their plans and know what they are doing before and while constructing the robot. This allows them to save lots of time while making a robot with little flaws and errors. This allows maximum efficiency in performance, a critical aspect of a robot.


Due to the robots being much more complex, we ensure that all students learn written coding (not block coding). This expands the realm of what is possible with their robot due to the extreme advantages and new opportunities written coding presents. Furthermore, this prepares them for the real world.



The tournaments are much more competitive. However our students love this competition format due to the joy they get when they win and all the new designs they learn by watching other robots perform tasks using different methods. Students can also do practice matches at the club location on the two practice fields we have.

Seasons We Participated in and Our Accomplishments

VEX EDR Competitive: Team Members



Most of our teams qualified to States, Nationals, and Worlds. This was our first EDR season. Such accomplishments displays the ability of our dedication and quick learning skills. Furthermore, lofty feats such as these inspired us to further pursue the EDR competitions.

In the Zone


Most of our teams qualified to States, Nationals, and Worlds. Using the knowledge we gained from our first season, we were able to greatly increase our performance and efficiency.


Turning Point


Most of our teams qualified to States, Nationals. Only one qualified to Worlds. This was due to this season focusing on the area of shooting projectiles, a design realm that we were not familiar with. Although we were only able to qualify one team to Worlds, we learned great amounts from this season and new design aspects that can even applied to stacking mechanisms.

Tower Takeover


Most of our teams have already qualified to States and Nationals. This year, we hope to qualify multiple teams to Worlds. Worlds is a great experience to learn more about robotics, to further your interest in engineering, and to meet new people from all backgrounds.

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